Profile - Booze N Bets - Sports Betting Picks

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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

Welcome to your favorite handicapper, who spends part of his drinking, and the other parts winning. I don't claim huge rekkkkords, I don't change my rekkkords. Everything is documented at for your review.

You don't have to win every game, you don't have to play every game, but to win, you must be smart. I see gamblers chasing parlays, chasing 2H plays, paying unreal juice for a teaser.

Every game, every gambler starts at a 40/40 split for a chance to win. So let me ask you this...

How you do fill the other 20%?


We don't expect you to make us rich here. We let our picks do that, we just want to share our picks and win and lose together. How many of your wives or girlfriends don't know you bet like this? It doesn't have to be a secret, let's win together. Daily, Weekly, Monthly passes available!!

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