Don't Believe The Hype

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

It never ceases to amaze me when this sports picking services call me, the line of shit these guys give.

"I got a lock for tonights games!"

"I have an exclusive sharp play on the big game tonight!"

Or my recent favorite.... " I have inside information that the starting pitcher in one of the games has an injured shouldr but has to start to get a bounu!"

I'm sure you all hear the smae nonsense.

There is only one way to win long term. You must consistanly get better odds that are warranted. This is called an overlay.

For example, if a club should win the game exactly 1/2 the time (50%), the odds should be even money. A bet shoild only be considered if the odds have a + sign in front. Period!

Do this over the long term, you make money.