Well known sports pick documentation service PickMonitor.com is up for sale

Wed, Mar 15, 2017
by CapperTek

Well known sports pick monitor / documentation service PickMonitor.com is up for sale. According to their website, starting March 15th they will start accepting offers for a potential sale. Below is a snippet from their website:


The "no other offers" price is $370,000.
The "make Patrick happy" price is $185,000.
The "hope, pray and wait" minimum offer is $75,000.

Make an Offer or email pat@patonpurpose.com with questions.

After seven awesome years it’s time for me to move on. Are you interested in owning the best sports monitor in the history of sports betting? If so, you can find out all you need to know in the details below.

All data is valid as of March 12, 2017. Offers accepted starting March 15, 2017.

A Brief History

Pick Monitor is a 7-year-old sports handicapping website fully owned by Zero Launch LLC which is fully owned by Patrick Griffith. Pick Monitor nets $3,061.62 per month on average and requires less than two hours per week of work. It has massive potential for growth, and is ready to flourish if put into the right hands.

Pick Monitor has grown a lot over the years (including a brief period of time where it was line.com). Here's a quick trip down memory lane showing how the site has evolved. Broken images from archive.org screenshots are included at no extra charge.

Why I’m Selling

Pick Monitor was my first big project. It taught me how to code and how to run a business, and it introduced me to some amazing people and incredible times.

But I have other projects that are more important to me right now which means that I don't have the time to give Pick Monitor the attention that its users deserve. And sadly, this has been the case for many years. This is a sale that I should have initiated four years ago, but sometimes it's hard to let a good thing go.

Over the past four years I've spent less than two hours per week on average on Pick Monitor, with each passing year getting less and less of my attention. And despite this fact - and despite the utter lack of advertising and promotion - it continues to perform strongly. Sure, I'm happy to have built something that can operate so minimally. But I also feel like I'm letting down the people who are investing their time into this site on a daily basis. Not to mention that the revenue figures over time do reflect my lack of involvement. Which makes sense, because user retention obviously suffers when user emails get ignored.

What could this site be if I actually gave a crap? That's something I've been asking myself more and more lately. The answer is that I don't know. But I'm hoping that somebody with the proper energy and passion can find out for me.

Simply put, I will do better without this site, and this site will do better without me. I’ll miss it like crazy. But this is the best thing for everybody in the long run.


You can also check out the website purchase page here for yourself for more information or if you are interested in purchasing.
