7 Best Dating Ideas if You Date an Athlete

Fri, Sep 24, 2021
by CapperTek

If you’re planning to date an athlete, you are probably interested in sports yourself. And it is a good choice. Athletes don’t have bad habits. They don’t smoke, almost don’t drink alcohol. It is healthy men that can handle many things. And if you’re up to look for a good person on online dating sites, you will be interested in some date ideas exciting for both of you.

You Can Go Rock Climbing

If you were lucky navigating the website and found an athlete guy to date, you like him and want your first date to become unforgettable. It is wise to do something extreme. You might ask yourself what is wise in risking your life, but you don’t have to be worried. Rock climbing doesn’t mean you have to travel to Cascades Mountains and conquer them when you have zero experience. You can visit any sports center and train yourself on climbing walls. You will be excited and safe, and your partner with whom you were chatting online will learn more about your courage.

Something Easy? Go for a Run

Do you have a habit of waking up early and, instead of taking a cup of coffee, do some morning run? Probably the athlete guy you’ve met on an online dating site loves it too! And if you are both living nearby, it would be a great opportunity to do a morning run together. Even more, you can compete with each other and later you both can have breakfast together.

Ask to Teach You How to Ice Skating

This is also a good dating idea and very romantic. If you have an Ice Skating Arena somewhere in your town, it will be a great opportunity to invite your athlete boyfriend on a first date. It will make a huge difference after chatting online on a dating site as you will have much fun. Even if you have the skills, you can pretend that you don’t and enjoy all the treating and support while skating. And if you both don’t have skills, it will be even funnier.

Try Snowboarding it is Worth of Traveling

Undependable of your location, Snowboarding is such a kind of sport that takes your breath. Not because it is extreme, well, yes, but only a little bit. But because in one pack with Snowboarding, you receive fascinating views, freshest air, and bets from your friends on whether you’ll break anything or not. Joke, of course! But your partner with whom you’ve met on a dating site will be definitely grateful and excited!

Take a Hike if You Both Are Adventurous

If you and your athlete partner you just met online on a dating site both like adventures, freedom, and nature, it is a good opportunity to slip from the city’s noise and learn more about each other. Prepare for hiking and buy tickets, take some rest from work and responsibilities and become one with nature.

A Seasoned Idea is Hitting the Beach

If you have a hot season and want to show off to your athlete boyfriend – the beach is a good idea. Put on your best swimsuit and bind his gaze to your body. Go swim together. It is a good thing to keep your bodies in tonus also.

And Finally, Why Not? Have a Dance Party!

It is the easiest and most natural idea for a first date. Not so sportish as if you were dancing while rock climbing, but can do the magic to your bodies too. Even if your athlete partner is not a dance-type guy, you can fire some lightning with good music and an atmospheric place. Choose the best nightclub and invite him there!
